The ALKYONI center was founded in 1995 in collaboration with existing facilities on Paros and a number of partners throughout Greece. Our primary aim remains to treat all wild animals which arrive, injured and weak, at our hospital and to reintegrate them back into nature.
To date, more than 17,000 wild animals (of which most have been birds), have been taken in at the ALKYONI hospital. Approximately 60% of these have returned to the wild.
The ALKYONI project depends on volunteers, both at the level of its scientific collaborators and its permanent and seasonal staff. Financial and medical resources for the functioning of the Association come from donations from foundations and individuals.
Our center covers an area of 5.01 hectares and includes a doctor’s office, an environmental education space, outdoor accommodation areas for animals, as well as accommodation areas for our volunteers. All of these spaces are powered by sustainable energy sources.
From the very beginning, the ALKYONI project has been committed to environmental education, through school trips to the Wildlife Center, or through ALKYONI-led workshops in schools (which often feature spectacular bird releases).

At the epicentre of the ALKIONI message are the crucial differeneces between wildlife rehabilitation centers and zoos. Most of the animals sheltered at ALKYONI have suffered great trauma from injury and/or captivity. As such, the absolute priority of our role is help them get healthy and strong so they can be re-introduced to the wild, not to have them on display for visitors to see.
Even though we rehabilitate a relatively small number of wildlife compared to the number of suffering animals which we are unable to help, we believe that the care and education we provide plays a significant role in spreading awareness about the treatment of animals in our community.
The possibility that our work has had a lasting impact on how people live their lives with a greater respect for animals and the environment is perhaps our greatest success.